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Blog posts in "News"
December 22, 2021
Long-Term Risks of Repeated Head Impacts Among Athletes
If you?ve ever had a concussion or any other type of brain injury, you likely experienced at least some of…
November 29, 2021
4 Reasons Why Your Child May Be Refusing to Read
Reading involves the simultaneous coordination of a number of basic visual skills. For children who have not yet mastered some…
November 28, 2021
A profound review of Vision Therapy from one of our patients ? Marsha R.
For you to understand the gratitude I have to Dr McCrodan and the neurovision therapists and staff of the Opto-mization…
November 26, 2021
How Concussions Can Affect Self-Esteem
When you consider the abundant functions of the brain, it?s no surprise that even slight damage to its sensitive tissues…
November 26, 2021
What it Takes to Succeed as a Formula 1 Driver
During a 90-minute race, a Formula 1 driver’s body meets many challenges. Controlling a vehicle that may reach speeds of…
October 31, 2021
Can Vision Therapy Help Those With Autism?
Visual problems in autistic children commonly go undetected and untreated. Often mistaken for symptoms of autism, visual problems can make…