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Blog posts in "Vision Therapy"
February 20, 2022
Toys and Games to Help Your Child Succeed in School
If your child is showing signs of a learning difficulty, it is important to rule out an underlying vision problem…
January 31, 2022
4 Reasons Why 3D Vision is So Important
Our sense of depth perception and ability to see in 3 dimensions are often-overlooked benefits of our complex visual system.…
December 28, 2021
Screen Time Can Lead To Eye Strain And Convergence Insufficiency In Children
Now that a couple of years have passed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have gotten a clearer…
November 29, 2021
4 Reasons Why Your Child May Be Refusing to Read
Reading involves the simultaneous coordination of a number of basic visual skills. For children who have not yet mastered some…
November 28, 2021
A profound review of Vision Therapy from one of our patients ? Marsha R.
For you to understand the gratitude I have to Dr McCrodan and the neurovision therapists and staff of the Opto-mization…
October 31, 2021
Can Vision Therapy Help Those With Autism?
Visual problems in autistic children commonly go undetected and untreated. Often mistaken for symptoms of autism, visual problems can make…