Our Blog

Keep up to date on the latest vision-related news and vision therapy studies at Opto-mization.

Blog Posts

April 30, 2015

Enjoying Life During Eye Allergy Season

Spring is in the air. But along with the beauty of the blooming flowers and budding trees, comes allergy season.…

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March 31, 2015

Can you Really Go Blind from Looking at a Solar Eclipse?

Last week, people in South America, Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia and the Middle East saw a solar…

Vision Care
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March 19, 2015

10 Steps to Prevent Vision Loss

March is Save Your Vision Month, a time to raise public awareness about how to protect your eyes and your…

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March 11, 2015

Refocus on the Digital Age with Computer Glasses

Digital devices have impacted our world in so many positive ways, allowing us to connect, work, play and get information…

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February 12, 2015

Living With Low Vision

February is Low Vision and Age-Related Macular Degeneration awareness month. Low vision describes a set of conditions in which there…

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February 9, 2015

Request Your Next Appointment Online?

You can now request your next appointment online! Visit the Contact Us section of our site at anytime and complete…

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