Our Blog

Keep up to date on the latest vision-related news and vision therapy studies at Opto-mization.

Blog Posts

March 29, 2021

The Importance of Binocular Vision in Sports

Binocular vision is the ability to create a single image with both eyes while maintaining visual focus on an object.…

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March 29, 2021

What?s the Connection Between Sleep Apnea, Concussion, and Your Vision?

A recent comprehensive sleep study on people with post-concussion syndrome showed that 78% were diagnosed with sleep apnea. What came…

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March 23, 2021

Common Visual Symptoms to Watch for in Children

People often believe that if a child has 20/20 vision, they have perfect eyesight. This isn?t always the case. Having…

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February 27, 2021

Should My Child See An Occupational Therapist Or A Vision Therapist?

Parents of a child struggling to keep up at school will do almost anything to get their child the help…

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February 25, 2021

Why Vision Therapy Comes Before Tutoring or a Learning Center

Our parental instinct naturally wants to find the fastest solution & often the first options for a child who struggles…

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February 24, 2021

10 Things About Vestibular Disorders You Probably Didn?t Know

The vestibular system is what helps us feel balanced and stable. People with vestibular disorders may experience symptoms like frequent…

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