Our Blog

Keep up to date on the latest vision-related news and vision therapy studies at Opto-mization.

Blog Posts

March 9, 2024

Exercises and Tools Used In Vision Therapy

Vision therapy uses a wide range of tools and exercises that aid in the therapeutic process. Here, you’ll find a…

Vision Care
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March 9, 2024

Reading & Learning Problems

Vision Care
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March 9, 2024

Advanced Services

Vision Care
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March 9, 2024

Does Your Child Need Multifocal Glasses?

Does your child experience any difficulties when reading? Do the words become blurry or doubled? Does your child find it…

Vision Care
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March 9, 2024

Why Visit a Developmental Optometrist?

There are optometrists, and then there are optometrists with training in a certain area of eye health. Just as in…

Vision Care
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