
Learning, Work & Sports Performance

Are you looking to take your ability to read and retain information to the next level? Improve your education, learn more, or get a promotion? You may not even realize it could be better. We can break down the mechanics of your reading, and address any inefficiencies. This can give you faster reading, better retention and the ability to focus longer.

So you spend a lot of time on a computer? It may be causing fatigue, strain, or making you take frequent breaks. This is not just a blue light problem. Your glasses or how your eyes work are most likely to be the root cause. Be more productive and feel better after work.

You’re only as accurate as your vision is at calculating where the ball is. Vision training has been shown to increase batting averages, decrease fielding errors, and increase save percentages. From hockey goalies, to rugby players or racecar drivers, your vision is what guides your skill.

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Your Learning, Opto-mized

Reading Speed

If your eyes track faster and more efficiently, you can read faster. If you can take your reading speed from 200 to 300 words per minute, you’ve just reduced your study time by 1/3. This means you can absorb more information in a shorter amount of time. This is your learning, opto-mized.

Reading Comprehension

Do you often have to re-read paragraphs? If your brain has to put too much effort into keeping your eyes working, it is harder to absorb what you are reading. From university students needing to remember information in a single pass, to professors spending time grading papers, Opto-mization training has helped improve their ability to remember and retain material. Imagine what this could do for you.

Sustain Focus

Are you one of the people who seems to get distracted easily when reading or studying? If your eyes are not tracking and working efficiently, you will burn out faster and your brain will find another train of thought. Many people thought that they just had a short attention span, and were surprised to see that they could stay focused for longer and absorb more information.

Your brain controls how accurately your eyes can track through text

Did you know that how well your eyes track and work together can determine your reading speed and retention? We look at what your eyes are actually doing while you’re reading to find areas for improvement. It’s like an upgrade to the software that controls your vision. This can give you improved reading speed, comprehension and ability to sustain attention.

The reader on the left has inaccurate eye movements and the reader on the right has accurate eye movements.

Who do you think will finish their work first?

Would you have trouble understanding what was on the page if someone read it out loud to you in the same order her eyes tracked?

Opto-mize Your Work

Computer Screens

The amount of time spent on a computer screen could be leaving you more fatigued and less productive. The human body is not equipped to spend hours working at the distance of a computer screen. Blue filters are pushed by marketing, but little thought is given to the actual root of the problem. Addressing how your eyes are functioning while you’re working at your computer will reduce fatigue, headaches and strain while improving your performance.


Does your job involve a lot of driving (or flying) ? You could be losing focus and suffering from fatigue because it takes too much energy for your vision to stay on task. Often the glasses prescribed for you to see clearly are part of the problem, or it could be how your brain is controlling your eyes. By making your vision more efficient, you can stay focused longer, improving your work and safety.


Are your glasses part of the problem? Even ‘computer glasses’ or ‘office glasses’ are often prescribed just for clarity. Wearing progressive lenses at the computer can make matters even worse.

Either your eyes are straining, or you unconsciously tilt your head backwards creating strain on your neck. Our patients have found that by using advanced prescribing techniques, they have seen reduced headaches, migraines, dizziness, and have more energy at the end of a work day.

See Your Game Improve

Success in sports demands more than 20/20

No one has developed the ultimate visual process. However, many have developed exceptional visual abilities beyond the normal range.

Elite athletes are excellent examples. Sports superstars will frequently report that the ball seems to “look larger” or “move slower.” This happens because their neurovisual process derives meaning from the environment so rapidly and efficiently that events seem to unfold in slow motion.

Many athletes don’t even realize that their vision isn’t functioning at it’s highest level. They pass the regular vision screenings, but aren’t reaching their true potential because their functional vision is holding them back.

In this New York Times report, Vision Training to Boost Sports Performance, the difference between winning and losing often comes down to your ability to process and react to the visual cues around you. In most cases, this takes mere fractions of a second.

Visual skills are critical to the performance

Seeing clearly is only a small part of what makes up our vision. In fact, there are 17 different visual skills necessary for accurate visual function – including how our eyes work together, how accurate and efficient movements are, and how incoming visual information is processed.

We are not born with these visual skills in place; they are learned and developed over time.

Neurovisual training or vision therapy builds on all of these skills and has proven to help people improve reading speed, comprehension, and hand-eye coordination.

Visual skills are critical to the performance

Seeing clearly is only a small part of what makes up our vision. In fact, there are 17 different visual skills necessary for accurate visual function – including how our eyes work together, how accurate and efficient movements are, and how incoming visual information is processed.

We are not born with these visual skills in place; they are learned and developed over time.

Neurovisual training or vision therapy builds on all of these skills and has proven to help people improve reading speed, comprehension, and hand-eye coordination.

Improve Eye/Brain Coordination with Opto-mization Training™

At the Opto-mization™ NeuroVisual Performance Centres, we assess how your eyes and brain work together and develop a program to improve your neurovisual efficiency. This can include Opto-mization™ Training and Ergoptics™ lens prescription to enhance eye tracking, visual processing and focusing abilities that support reading and comprehension.

A fully comprehensive vision training program often utilizes some high tech tools, although the most important fundamentals are often achieved with well designed low-tech solutions. The most important part is the knowledge and understanding of vision that is behind the exercises and program design.


Research Shows

  • Fielding errors down 15%
  • Fielding assists up 8%
  • Batting average up 34 points
  • Concussions reduced by 85% in football

Courtesy of the University of Cincinnati.


100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Because we believe in the work we do, we commit to it by giving your money back if you don’t see a difference.

Our Knowledge Takes Technology to the Next Level

Our clinics boast Canada’s first Senaptec Sensory Station, a state-of-the-art training tool used by players in the NHL, NBA, NFL and MLB to improve performance. Our NeuroTracker provides unique cognitive training for realistic scenarios by integrating 3D multiple-object tracking with real-life situations.

NeuroTracker has been used by the Vancouver Canucks, the Atlanta Falcons, the Baylor Bears and the United States National Soccer Team, as well as the U.S. Special Operations Command and Canadian Joint Operations Command.

Fitlight System

The FITLIGHT Training system improves reaction time, agility, and speed for sports, and tactical skills, such as dynamic target training, but it’s also used to improve the range of motion, strength, and coordination in healthcare patients. The unique wireless reaction training system uses LED lights, controlled by a tablet, to provide immediate performance feedback on your reaction time, speed, agility, and coordination.


Multiple-object tracking technology is the science behind the NeuroTracker system, based on 20 years of clinical research on perceptual cognition by Dr. Jocelyn Faubert and his research team. NeuroTracker provides unique cognitive training for realistic scenarios by integrating 3D multiple-object tracking with real-life situations.

NeuroTracker is used by the Vancouver Canucks, Atlanta Falcons, Baylor Bears, and the United States National Soccer team, as well as the U.S Special Operations Command and Canadian Joint Operation Command.

Senaptec Sensory Station